GERD and early gastroparesis in diabetes

Case Profile

A 45-year-old male patient presented with h/o

- Fullness after meals

- Nausea and vomiting since 4-5 months

History of presenting complaints

The vomiting is recurrent and he vomits at least 4-5 times in a day. Due to this he has not able to attend his office regularly. He has taken proton pump inhibitor and domperidone, but did not get much relief.

The vomitus is non-projectile, and is usually the colour of the food that he has eaten. It is never bilious.

He c/o pain in the abdomen at times

There is no h/o dysphagia, fever or headache.

He c/o constipation since the last few days. Stool colour is normal.

There is h/o weight loss.

Personal history

He is a known diabetic since 4-5 years on metformin, He is not regular with his medications.

Family history

There is a family history of diabetes, mother is a diabetic.

Personal history:

Works in private office



Used to consumes alcohol (< 20 units per week) but has stopped since his symptoms have started.

Which of these is a gastrointestinal manifestation of diabetic autonomic neuropathy ?


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